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Public Notice – Wyoming Department of Transportation Funding

This is to notify all interested parties that Jefferson Partners L.P. dba Jefferson Lines is applying for funding through operating assistance and/or capital assistance under the Wyoming Department of Transportation’s operating and/or capital transit grant programs.

The operating/capital assistance grant is funded by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and/or State Public Transit funding and is administered by the Wyoming Department of Transportation. This application includes a request for operating and/or capital expenses associated with providing public (Intercity) transportation within the State of Wyoming.

This application is on file at 5300 Bishop Boulevard Cheyenne WY 82009-3340.
If requested, a public hearing will be scheduled, along with a notice indicating
the location, date, and time of the public hearing.

For additional information and special accommodations please contact in writing:

Jefferson Lines
Attn: Grant Administration
2100 E. 26th Street
Minneapolis MN 55404